Each year the national and state office recognizes centers that have 100 percent paid membership in ACTE by December 31. These schools must submit the names of their teaching staff, administrative staff, and counselors to the national office by January 15. The names of these centers are posted on the national website and published in the Techniques magazine. MS ACTE provides a certificate to be displayed at their school and publishes a list of winners in The Reporter, MS ACTE's state newsletter. The winners of the Achieve 100% Award this year are:
Amite County Vo-Tech
Biloxi Career Technology Center
Career Center for Clinton High School
Carl Keen Career Technical Center
Choctaw County Career and Technology Center
Cleveland School District
David Williams, Jr. Career and Technical Center
East Central Career Center
East Jasper Career Center
Forest-Scott County Career and Technology Center
Forrest County Agricultural High School
Grenada Career/Technical Center
Hancock County Career Technical Center
Jackson County Technology Center
John C. Stennis Technical Center
Jones County Career-Technical Center
Kosciusko/Attala Career Technical Center
Lamar County Center for Technical Education
Lawrence County Technology and Career Center
Lee County Career Technical Center
Lowndes County School District Career and Technical Center
Madison Career and Technical Canter
Millsaps Career and Technology Center
Moss Point School District
Oxford-Lafayette School of Applied Technology
Newton Career and Technology Center
Pearl River Career and Technical Center
Petal High School
Philadelphia/Neshoba Career Center
Rankin County Career and Technical Center
South Panola High School
Thomas C. Randle Career Technical Center
Tupelo Career-Technical Center
Union High School
Vicksburg-Warren Career and Technical Center |